Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Miracle of Reading

I'm sure all mothers ahead of me would relate to this but it is such a "miracle" I had to blog about it!
Last year I began some gentle reading lessons with Rebekah(when I thought she was ready for it) using two letter words like "at" and then adding consonants to make other words a la Charlotte Mason!
We did them as and when she was in the mood for them!
I blogged about that here when it seemed like the penny dropped and she "got it".
Well, after these gentle, informal, "when in the mood" lessons which were few and far between last year, we went on holidays over Christmas and New Year and didn't do much then. Well, a couple of months ago, it seems like another penny dropped and she started picking up books and just reading them. I mean books with much longer and more complex words like "believe", "special", "garden", etc....anyway, you get the picture:)
It was like watching a miracle unfold.
It was much like witnessing a child's first smile, first steps etc.
I could not / cannot believe my eyes!
Is this a miracle or what! Kids just do things when they are developmentally ready don't they!
She has really taken off in her reading and has become an incessant "reader" of books. As my husband Ron said to me the other day, "all our years of reading to her is paying off" and I can truly say that maybe this was the secret ingredient to all of this because I certainly can't take credit for her reading skills other than teaching her a few three letter cvc words!


Clara said...

I know exactly what you mean! It is SUCH a blessing when a child pushes for their own learning - especially when it comes to reading. I taught both my daughter and my son the beginning basics, and then while my back was turned, both of them developed their own reading skills to the point of reading words I hadn't even tried to teach them yet!! Each child will do it in their own time too, if we let them, and it is SO amazing to watch! :)
What resources are you using to teach the core subjects for school? What exactly did the Board of Studies look for when they did came to give you registration? Someone is coming here to have an interview regarding homeschooling later this week, and I'm trying to be well-prepared! I'd love it if you wouldn't mind sharing with me!

Joyfulmum said...

Hi Clara,
We are using Living Books Curriculum so I took a bit of stuff from their teachers manual and adjusted the language to meet the NSW bos KLA's. A friend from our hs group lent me her program and I also looked at the post on "documentation" at this blog: http://www.enduringprize.com/ to help me out.
I also had kept records of what we did all of last year with photos and put them all in folder...I think this helped too:)
I wrote out a one page blurb of what I was planning to do for the next twelve months under the 6 KLA's and the resources (books websites etc) that I would use to do that.
Judging from your blog, I think you will be just fine...you seem extremely organised!
Does this help?

Clara said...

Thank you so much for answering my questions. I don't have a 12 month plan - I had been going to only plan one term at a time. My daughter is rather advanced, but some of what we're doing is reviewing, and sometimes she works through things faster than I think she will, so it's hard to plan a whole year! Do you think maybe I should try to do a plan for next term as well though, so I have most of this year mapped out? I haven't kept records of what I've done for the past 2 years - it's just kind of happened at whatever pace best suited us, and I never really thought to keep a diary! I hope this won't be a problem! We did Distance Education last term, and I'm basing my plans/ideas off that, so maybe that will go in my favour - I HOPE!!
Thanks again for your help :)

Amanda said...

I share your joy Rosemary. I am glad your daughter loves reading. My dd (now 17) always loved reading, devoured books all through her life, and she is a fantastic speller! It is exciting to witness the unfolding of all of these milestones.

Your dd will be reading her beautiful new bible all by herself in no time :o)


Clara said...

Rosemary - thank you again for your help, I was given a recommendation for registration for 2 years! :)

Sarah said...

Hi Rosemary, what a joy it is to witness your own child growing and learning. The rewards of homeschooling are very fruitful hey! Well done to your darling Rebekah.

Thank you for your prayers over the last week, I really am so thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ who truly pray for you.

God Bless! Sarah xxx

Joyfulmum said...

Hi Clara

I am sorry it took me a while to get back here to read and reply to your comments but you've done it, so congratulations!

Thanks for visiting and your lovely comments, it's nice to see you in my bloggyland again:)

Yes, she has started reading her Bible all by herself and is memorising scriptures by herself now:)