Saturday, September 17, 2011

When I grow up......

"I want to be a ballerina" Rebekah says and has said for the past couple of years! This has been the deepest desire of her heart. She just loves her ballet! Time has not caused her to grow out of this one. In fact she becomes more and more determined about it as time passes! was her end of year concert (a little early I know but this is how it's done at her new school and I quite liked the idea) and the theme of the concert was the same as my post's title:)

An update on our dance school decision:
I mentioned here that we made the decision to change schools for certain reasons. Well, to put it more bluntly we had issues with the last dance school and it was not an environment we wanted Rebekah to grow up learning to dance in; the songs and dance moves were too sexualised!
There! I've said it! I've used the 's' word on my blog for the first time!

Anyway, today our decision to move her to this new school proved SO right! The whole concert was not only a lot shorter, but it was a whole lot sweeter too (and they teach classical ballet!) The dances were more wholesome yet good. Who said you had to be sexual to dance well! I've used the s word again, oh dear!
It amazes me that I hear of so many parents who pull their kids out of dance schools for the same reasons as we did yet the dance schools don't seem to get the message!

Anyway, we are happy, Rebekah is happy and she still wants to grow up to be a be some point in the future:)

In the meantime, she will get all the support she needs from us:


Anonymous said...

Our granddaughters go to a particular dance school where they are taught very sexualised dances in tap and jazz. The classical ballet is OK but some of the choreography in their other genres is very sexualised and makes young girls very precocious looking- which these girls aren't off stage. I couldn't agree with you more- even the costumes are too "sexy" Blessings, Glenys

Ganeida said...

I know! We're in the performing arts too & even if the kids are restrained many of the adults are not. Fine lines....I have always appreciated Star's singing teacher keeping the kids in very formal gear; plain ol' black & whites.

Anonymous said...

I have a boy and girl that both learn ballet, tap and jazz. Their school is wonderful, all costumes and moves tasteful. My kids do not participate in eisteddfods as I am not keen on some of the other schools "sexualised" stuff, not necessary...
Glad you have found a great school for Rebekah :)

Finding Joy said...

Having no daughters I havent had this problem, but I can imagine this being a big problem. I am so glad to hear that this new school is far better. Rebekah looks veery pretty in her ballet outfit. I love ballet but I can't dance!! But I look forward one day seeing Rebekah dancing! :)

Have a wonderful week, hope the weather hasnt been too hot so soon after winter.

Joyfulmum said...

Thanks Jo! and yes it has become quite warm but no complaints here, we are enjoying it:)

Sarah said...

SO true Rosemary! Dance studios have lost the true meaning of dance, we see all over the dance shows on TV, that we cannot even enjoy watching the sad! It's so important to make godly choices for our children! She looks very elegant! xxx

Ruby said...

Your daughter looks lovely. We have had no dances but the costumes and styles of some of our friends' children has concerned us. Also the mums mention the cattiness among the girls (and mothers)
Friends with girls doing cheer sports (cheer leading) have the same problem that some of the routines are very "mature".

Arky said...

i love this post! how exciting to learn about Rebekah's dreams, & inspiring to know that she's got awesome parents who care for her too much to notice what seems to be small details that will actually make a big impact in her life & upbringing.

just so encouraging!!! PLUS it doesn't mean that if the school feeds it, the parents & kids should just take it... youre admirable for making a strong stand. happy that Rebekah is now in her new school. i hope she'll have more fun!:D

Val said...

Rebekah looks absolutely beautiful in her costume. I always loved the opportunity that dance/theatre gave you to dress up! And I completely agree with you that it is nice to find an arts program that isn't too sexualized. I've never understood why people think it's ok to have children execute dance moves that would make many adults blush.

Deborah said...

I looooove her dress. Super lovely~!!

Penney Douglas said...

Good for you! I had my oldest daughter in a tap/ballet class when she was 4 yrs. old. We went to the end of year recital, and I wanted to cover my husband's eyes when the older girls danced. I knew right then that we were not going to keep going to that school even if my daughter chose to continue dance. She didn't. It was a one-time thing, and we found that it was not her cup of tea.
I'm glad that you did the courageous thing and left that other school to find one that was more tasteful.
I can't believe the way our cultures are going, all over the globe! It's maddening, but we know who will win in the end!

Beloved's Redheaded Bride said...

I agree too. Dance classes and recitals can be very disturbing when watching little girls doing s*xual moves. I had this discussion with my Aunt once who is a dancer in New York. (When we talked about it she was a guys/dolls dancer. My Family is in the performance arts on the money making end.)

I think it is fabulous that you allowing her to continue in her dream while looking for ways to curve the culture. It will be beneficial in the long run, I can assure you.

Joyfulmum said...

Mrs Glenys Hicks, I haven't been able to access your blog, have you changed it of late? I am sorry I forgot to include you in my following list and now can't find you! hope you get this comment:)