Wednesday, September 8, 2010

She's part Indian, part Aussie and speaks with an American accent!

Just so you all know a little bit more about us!

Someone asked me recently if we get "second" looks when we (Ron and I) are out and about because we are of different races.
I remember in the early 90's (we've been married a while you know!) we used to get second looks. But these days it's become more common to see people of different races being married that we don't so much anymore. However, it's our daughter Rebekah who gets "second" looks now! When the three of us are together I have noticed this and it's probably human nature to be curious about how Rebekah looks being the offspring of two different races!

Anyway, so, besides being a mixture of two races, which I'm sure will have people guessing as she grows up and goes out on her own, just to confuse everyone, she speaks with a bit of an American accent:)

The only explanation I can offer is that she has a few close friends that are American (from church and our home school group) and she watches Sesame Street occasionally! I have been asked on numerous occasions if she grew up in the U.S or if one of us was from there! :)
On the other hand, she has a very good ear for sound, she was a very early 'talker' saying her first word at eight months of age, so it might just be that she hears words pronounced differently by others and picks it up. I guess it will be some what of a mystery to me for now!

So, there's a bit of trivia from our household to yours on this cold September night!


Anonymous said...

ha ha! Loved learning more about you. My sister's first husband (shew was widowed)was from PNG, and so sometimes when I babysat her 2 boys, and took them to the park or shops with me, we would get strange looks. I even had someone ask if I was the nanny. And other people have asked my sister where she adopted them from!

People are funny aren't they? My boys say some words with an American accent- most likely from tv. My youngest sounds like he has a slight asian accent on some words?!

Ganeida said...

I have friends [he's Caucasian, she's Indian] with 3 of the most gorgeous, stunning little girls ever! And they have a very mixed accent too. ☺ I get most of my salwar kameeze from this friend. I think it shocks her that I do actually wear them but they are just sooo comfortable! ☺

Catherine (Alecat Music) said...

I had a giggle over the American accent because of Sesame Street. I had one when I was younger too, because of Sesame Street! It first went to air when I was in prep/K, and we used to watch it quite regularly!!

My DH and I are of different cultures; he being from Argentina and I'm Anglo Saxon Australian. When we married it was a bit of an issue for others, but all seems fine now. :)

Amanda said...

I loved learning more about your beautiful family Rosemary! Thank you for sharing...

I knew a girl once who had an American accent. She was born to parents from another country (can't remember where), and her parents didn't speak alot of English. She grew up on Sesame Street and that is how she first learned English, hence her strong accent!

Val said...

How interesting! I'm an American from the Midwest who also grew up on Sesame Street. Most of the tv I watch today is British, though (BBC), and I also read several British and Australian blogs (I found you through Jo at Stop Have a Chat). I've found myself, in the last few months, starting to use some British/Australian expressions more, much to the amusement of my American friends. Isn't it amazing how our minds deal with language?

Clara said...

The mix-ups must make for a bit of amusement for you all! My husband is American, and I have picked up a tiny bit of his accent, and the children quite regularly talk like Americans. I LOVE the American accent!! :)

Richele said...

Really fascinating peek into your lives - and I'd never known that Sesame Street accounts for American accents heard in children around the world!

I've noticed our children have a couple of words they habitually pronounce with their father's Russian accent.

Jeanne said...

The comments here are fascinating!!

I think Rebekah as beautiful, and a fine mixture of both of her gorgeous parents...

Sarah said...

Rebekah is absolutely gorgeous as you are too! All beautifully and wondefully made by our awesome creator! xxx

Joyfulmum said...

wow! interesting comments from all you lovely ladies and I'm blushing a little by Jeanne's and Sarah's comments:)
Richele and Val, welcome and thanks for your lovely comments on my blog!
Alecat, that's funny about your American accent too from Sesame Street, now I know who to blame:) not really, I like the American accent like Clara!
Ganeida I think you would look just great in Salwar Kameez ( a word I haven't heard in a long time!) I must say they would be very very comfy! I did have one when I was in India and loved it!

Finding Joy said...

My husband is a Welshman and I have noticed that my children have a slightly softer Australian accent, which I think comes from the Welsh accent.

My Australian brother is married to an American and they live in Denver and his children have a slight Australian accent which they have picked up from their dad. My brother speaks with what I think is a very American accent, however every now and again out comes an Australian accent. I think Americans think his accent is more Australian.

It is lovely to get to know you more:)

Amy said...

Well, I'm rather partial to the American accent! ;) Rosemary, I'd be happy to teach Rebekah to say "y'all" if you like!

She is quite lovely with her long dark hair and beautiful skin tone!